Sunday 19 June 2016

Ljubljana! Charming and Tiny Capital City...

 The next stop on the trip was Ljubljana and honestly I didn't think I was going to make it! So far I have had pretty simple and straight forward train journeys. This has to have been the worst travel day I have ever experienced! So the day started off with arriving at the station with plenty of time to spare. However, when I arrived my train was not on the board. Feeling a little confused, I told myself it was too early for the information to show and the train would come up after a little bit of time.

When it got to 15 minutes before, I started to panic a little, and decided to drag myself all the way down to the wrong end of the station to the only information desk. When I got there they told me to go to a little hut outside the station, and on the opposite side of where I was. When I finally arrived there, they told me I had to get on a different train because the schedule was wrong (hence why I couldn't see my train number on the board). Oh, and he also told me I had 3 minutes to get there.

I made it onto the train by the skin of my teeth! I was so grateful to run into a group from Australia, who said they were just as confused as me! We hadn't been given any information whatsoever, as we were told it was a direct train. So then we were told we had to get off the train, switch to a bus, then get on another train. Through all of this we continuously asked if we were going in the right direction... And everyone we asked said yes! We were then later dumped at a station, which was completely abandoned. After trying to communicate with the ticket office, they told us the next train to Ljubljana was the next day.

We had taken the wrong train somewhere along the journey! After a bit of talk, the four of us decided to share a taxi just over the border of Slovenia, where trains to Ljubljana run every 30 minutes. We thought the €40 each would be better off than finding accommodation for a night, when we all had places to stay in Ljubljana. The extra cost was a bit of a pain, but it's just one of those things! 2 trains later, I finally arrived! I have never been so relieved!

Despite the mad journey to Ljubljana, I had an amazing time. Arriving in Ljubljana was like discovering a little hidden town that not many people know about. It's so crazy to think this sweet little city is the country's capital! The cobble streets and pretty buildings make it seem like a hidden treasure. It was absolutely beautiful.

Where did I stay and how long for?
I stayed at Hostel Vrba for 3 nights. I would really recommend this place for travellers, as it is close to the centre and I found it as being one of the top rated hostels on Lonely Planet. It was a lovely and clean little hostel.

Enjoying a beer, and swinging at the bar at the same time! Heading to the district of bars where you'll find very few tourists and wandering the street food market. (no surprise there)


8th June - After a long day of travelling I decided to run across the street to get a pizza, as I was exhausted! Decided to go for a little explore and came across a crazy little place that had swings at the bar! In Ljubljana, they have 2 different beers called Lakso and Union. They're both made by the same brewery, but apparantly in Slovenia, its a big deal to pick your favourite and stick to it. So the natural thing to do as a tourist is to ordered one of each and try both. I hate to say it, but I thought they tasted very similar, so after that I just went on which bottle I preferred the look of, which was Union! Eek!

9th June - was a long day of rain rain rain. I decided to stay in the hostel in the morning, in an attempt to get my blog written. Now that I am moving around a lot more frequently, it's really tricky finding the time to get it done! In the afternoon, I decided to head over to a little cafe called Mihalek. I'd read about this in one of the tourist maps, and this cafe serves cakes and ice cream which are homemade, vegan, flour and sugar free. I'm not vegan, I am a full on meat eater! But I do love sampling sugar free desserts! It was quite far away so I was wandering for a while in the rain, but it was so worth it when I arrived. The desserts looked so delicious and I went for a Walnut a chocolate Torte and an espresso. It was delicious! You'd never think it was sugar free! It was so decadent and tasty, and I couldn't finish it I was so full! That evening, I was feeling a little ill again! I was very dizzy and had the worst headache so I just chilled out in the hostel, chatting to a few people and watching movies.

10th June - I decided to go on another free walking tour, as I really enjoyed the one I went on in Budapest. It was so great to learn about the capital and the tour guide was so funny and charming. On our tour we passed through the street food market, which really got my mouth watering. Anyone who knows me, knows my love for street food so naturally when the tour was over, I made a beeline back and wandered the stalls before choosing a delicious looking plate of steak and potato wedges. It was such a good choice! I hadn't eaten steak in a while and it was so tasty! I strolled around the streets some more, snapping photos. In the afternoon I headed over to Cacao, a cafe everyone had been raving about. Someone said, if you go to Ljubljana and don't visit Cacao, then you've wasted your trip! I have to say I do agree with them! Just off to the side of the main square, Cacao serves a range of ice cream, ice cream cake and lots of cakes and tarts. I got a scoop of Sacher flavoured ice cream and a scoop of tiramisu. The Sacher flavoured ice cream was definitely my favourite! It was so decadent, I felt like I was eating a slice of torte! Feeling extremely full, I then wandered along the river as(hooray) the sun was finally out. I spent the afternoon sat by the river in the sun.

Dragon Bridge
When I headed back to the hostel, a new group had arrived. It's really nice to see some fresh faces and get chatting to new people. We decided to head out as a group for some drinks and we wandered along the river to one of bars for a few beers. We then headed to a hidden area of Ljubljana, Metelkova Mesto, which is a former barrack. There was so much going on, and each night the place comes alive with parties and alternative events. This was definitely off the beaten track and it was so refreshing to be surrounded by locals.

11th June - this morning I left to make my way up to Lake Bled. One of the guys I had met the night before was driving up to Bled for the day and was giving two other girls a lift up. It was so sweet of him to offer me a lift and I was very quick to accept. A car journey was so refreshing as, I do admit that train journeys were starting to take their toll, particularly after the nightmare experience of getting to a Ljubljana! 

Top Tips/recommendations for Ljubljana 
  • Go on a free walking tour to learn about the city (but don't forget to tip!)
  • Wander the street food markets for some delicious choices! 
  • Stop at Cacao in the afternoon for a warm drink and some ice cream..or cake.. Or both!
  • Visit Metelkova Mesto for a taste of a locals night out on the town. 
Veliko Ljubenzni!
Franki xxx

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