Monday 18 January 2016

Healthy Recipe for Chips and Dip!

Hello lovely readers! Here's the first recipe of many more to come! I've got lots of healthy alternatives to the not so good snacks, meals and desserts to share with you. And kicking it off is a personal favourite of mine... chips and dip! I can't think of anyone who doesn't like this snack, and it's even better to know that it's guilt free! So before you reach for a bag of crisps, have a read of this instead and get your butt into the kitchen!

So here's the recipe...
For the Dip, you'll need:

300g of 0% Greek Yohgurt (I used Fage)
1 Cucumber
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon
2tsp of Dill
1 Clove of Garlic
2tbsp of Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

For the chips, you'll need:

1 pack (about 5) of Wholemeal Pitta Bread 
1/2 Cup of Coconut Oil
1tsp Garlic Powder
2tsp of Seasoning of your choice (I used the cheats Italian Seasoning)
1tsp Salt 


Starting with the dip...

Cut the ends off the cucumber, and then cut lengthways in half. You then want to de-seed the cucumber (with a teaspoon is best). You can peel the cucumber before cutting, but personally I never do, as I think it's a bit of a waste of time. It will come off on its own when you start grating.

Next, you need to grate the cucumber, and using the finer grater is best. Once grated either leave the cucumber in a sieve for at least an hour (or overnight) until it has stopped dripping. Alternatively, if you're in a hurry you can push out the water yourself, either with a sieve or a piece of muslin cloth. 

Once you've gotten the water out, it's then time to combine all the ingredients together in a bowl, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Once all the ingredients are combined, leave in the fridge for 1 hour. (Or at least until the pitta chips are ready!)

Now you can move on to the Pitta Chips.

Firstly, pre heat the oven to 200℃ (400℉). Next, cut up the pittas into triangles. You can cut the pittas in half to have really thin crisps, but personally I prefer them a little thicker as they're much more dip dunk-able! Lay the pittas out on a baking tray and set aside. 

Now you need to make the seasoning. Melt down the coconut oil (you can also use olive oil) and then add the garlic powder, seasoning, salt and pepper. This can be a time to get really creative. You can combine different herbs (fresh or dried). So just experiment and make up different flavours! I've tried just adding smoked paprika on it's own and my goodness was that amazing! If you like your crisps spicy, why not add some chilli flakes?

Once you have combined the ingredients, you now want to brush the oil mixture onto the pittas. Once the pittas are coated place into the oven for 10-12 minutes, depending on your oven and your preference to how crispy you want them to be. For your pittas to be extra crunchy and golden, leave them for 15 minutes.

And there you have it! This healthy snack is so delicious and it takes no time at all! Hope you enjoy! And if you recreate them make sure to tweet me your creations!

Lotsa love, 
Franki xxx


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