Thursday 9 June 2016

Vienna! Solo Wanderings Begin...

The next stop for me was Vienna and this was a big step, as it was my first city completely by myself. But as I set off on the train I felt really good about it and excited for how the next few days were going to turn out. Despite having a few ups and downs, (solo travel is one big roller coaster) I did have a really nice time in Vienna and I'm so glad I got to tick it off my bucket list.

Where did I stay and how long for? 
For this trip I decided to use Airbnb and stayed in an apartment in the centre of Vienna with a lovely girl named Eszter, for 4 nights. I had my own room, but shared the bathroom and kitchen. This was my first Airbnb experience but it was such a lovely way to travel. I have a few more Airbnb bookings on this trip, but I'm sure I will always turn to using it whenever I go away. It's so great to get to know your host, and being a local they can give you the best advice on where to go and what to see. It's so lovely to get such a different feel from a city, as you settle in for a few days and feel like one of the locals yourself!

Seeing the Hundertwasserhaus Apartments, wandering the Tiergarten and attending a CrossFit class in Vienna! 

The Itinerary 
1st June - I arrived pretty late after a long day of travel. The train journey was smooth and enjoyable. I eventually arrived at Eszters apartment after taking the U-Bahn. I grabbed myself some dinner and was let in by a friend of hers. The apartment was so lovely and spacious. My bedroom was spacious and had a big comfy sofa! When Eszter arrived home we had a lovely long chat, getting to know each other and talking about my plans for my stay. I discovered that she was Hungarian, and studied in Vienna. She gave me some great tips for where to go for my next stop, which was Budapest. After a long day I called it a night!
2nd June - For my first day in Vienna, I decided to get about exploring the sights of the city. I started it off by going to Stephansplatz and gazing at St Stephens Cathedral. I had a stroll around the area, and headed over to Demel, a pastry shop with really good reviews. It was so busy, so I didn't buy anything. But I did wander round and admire the displays and the chocolate and sweets they sold. After mindlessly strolling around and getting a little lost, I came across Volksgarten park, a beautiful park with paths, fountains and flowers. I made my way over to Mozarts Apartment to have a look at the exhibition. After some lunch, I made my over to the Hundertwasserhaus Apartments. These were incredible and I would highly recommend them. There was a small cafe attached so I ordered a piece of apple streudal and some fruit tea and sat in the sun, gazing at the gorgeous colours and paintings on the building. Towards the end of the day I strolled through Museums Quartier with my headphones plugged in, before heading back to Volksgarten to sit in the sun with my kindle for a while. 
3rd June - Today was the day I had booked on a drop in class at CrossFit Vienna. I joined a CrossFit gym in Leeds back in February, and have become addicted ever since! It was really nice to drop in and experience a class in another box. It was like a home away from home! Everyone was so friendly and it was such a lovely atmosphere. I had such a great time and as I was starting to feel a little homesick that morning, it was a real mood uplifter. That afternoon I went to ride the Reisenrad! It was great to see such pretty landscapes of the city. I also headed over to the Danube and strolled along for a while, before finding a comfy looking spot and just chilling out for a bit. After this I headed home, to find Eszter with a few of her friends. I joined them for a few drinks and we accidentally ordered the biggest pizza I have ever seen! I could only manage 1 slice but it was so nice to chat with new people. 
4th June - On my last day, I headed to the Tiergarten, which is home to the oldest zoo in the world! I had a (very quick) look around the zoo, before feeling slightly foolish, as I was surrounded by kiddies! So after this I just wandered around the Tiergarten and had a look at Schonbrunn Palace. In the early evening, I decided to go and see a film, so I found an English cinema and booked to see Alice Through the Looking Glass. Im a big Alice in Wonderland fan, so was really excited to see the new movie. It was so nice to feel a little more at home too. I went to the 'English Cinema Haydn', which is a family run, independent cinema. It was so lovely! The walls were decorated with old posters and movie reels. 
5th June - Today I said goodbye to Eszter and made my way to the train station to head towards my new city, Budapest!

Top Tips/Recommendations for Vienna
  • Grab some apple strudel, or Sacher torte at the little cafe next to the Hundertwasserhaus Apartments
  • Wander round the Tiergarten for some beautiful photo opportunities. 
  • See as many parks as possible, they're all so beautiful! 

Veile Liebe Vienna!
Franki xxx

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