Tuesday 26 January 2016

Dear Grandpa

Dear Grandpa,

It's been 10 years. I can hardly believe it. I miss you very much. When I was younger, I didn't really know how to show affection. I didn't like cuddles too much. And I'm sorry. I hope you didn't think that I didn't love you. I did and I still do very much. I hope you know that.

I still remember, clear as glass the day I ran over and sat on your knee for a cuddle. You were so surprised and happy. It was really nice.

I remember all the games we used to play and the trips you and Gran took us on. You taught us about culture and history. You taught me how to play chess. You took us to the theatre.

I remember you having a sneaky go on Mike's drum kit whenever you came over. And how quickly you volunteered to look after it when we were having an extension on the house.

I remember you commenting on how you didn't like to walk Buster. Although you would always volunteer yourself to take him out for a stroll.

I remember how good you were at make believe. You would join in with all of my games and go along with whatever story I would make up. I was convinced that I had convinced you!

I remember the day myself and Mike decided to spend the morning (and half the phone bill) ringing you up and prank calling you when mum was busy downstairs. I say prank calling, it was more of putting on funny voices and pretending to be strange characters. We thought it was hilarious that you believed us. Of course, you didn't believe us. You knew full well it was us and you were just going along with it all, purely to keep us entertained. We laughed for hours!

I remember the one and only time you were angry with me. It was the day that myself, Mike and Ames were riding our bikes out in the garden and my handlebar scraped the side of your newly sprayed car. I couldn't believe it. I had never seen you upset with me before. It made me upset too and I still feel awful! Not that you stayed angry for long at all. You gave me a quick telling off and then it was back to smiles and hugs and happy Grandpa :)

You were the kindest person I have ever known. I still remember your cheeky grin. I'd giggle so much because normally you were doing something naughty when Gran wasn't looking. You would go right out of your way to help somebody else. You were completely selfless. You had the biggest, warmest heart and you saw the good in everybody.

I wish I had known you longer. I think if you were here now we would have great talks. I think I'd have grown up to be very close to you. I think I'd look at you as a wise old owl, full of memories and advice.

I think you and Gran would be travelling the world. You were always away visiting new countries, exploring and discovering. It's made me want to explore too.

10 years ago, I thought of you as a star shining in the sky. I would look up into the darkness, pick the brightest star I could see and that would be you. I still do it to this day and I always will. You will always be a star.

I hope you're looking down on us and I hope you're proud of who we've grown up to be. I will always try to make you, and the rest of my family proud. The fondest memories and thoughts of you will be in our hearts, always.

Love Frances x

*Thank you for reading my letter to my Grandpa. When I wrote it, I contemplated uploading it to my blog for a while. But I decided I wanted to share it. One thing I spoke about was the want for my Grandpa to be proud of me and who I have grown up to become. This blog is new but I still consider it a part of me and something I have a real love for. So I thought it was a nice idea to incorporate my letter, as both mean very much to me. Thank you.*


Friday 22 January 2016

Sourced Box Review!

*Thanks for visiting my blog! It is fairly new so there's not much content yet, but there will be regular uploads every week!*

So I received my Sourced Box, along with a lot of other equally excited people in the first week of January. What a great way to kick off the New Year! It's so difficult to find healthy snacks on the go without trekking to a health food store, which I'm sure for myself and many of you is a big pain in the butt! To have a selection of different products delivered to you each month sounded perfect for a hectic lifestyle.

First Impressions?

I was so excited when I finally got my Sourced Box, as soon as I heard about it I knew I'd be signing up. I was very impressed at how many snacks I actually received. There was so much variety! The box contained 4 savoury snacks, 6 sweet snacks, tea and even a milkshake! It's great to finally get a subscription box full to the brim with healthy and delicious full sized snacks. It looked so professional and well put together. It's clear to see how much hard work has been put into the creation of the box. (Thank you Niomi Smart and Marcus Butler!)

What is a Sourced Box?

Sourced Box is a subscription snacking service bringing you healthy, natural and delicious snacks. They believe that a snack doesn't have to be "stuffed with sugar or crammed with chemicals" to taste great. Each month you receive a new selection of at least 10 different snacks, with a variety of sweet and savoury. So if you're a bit of a fussy eater, why not split a box with a friend? I'm sure you'll find some tasty treats you'll enjoy!

Main Benefits

* New selection of products each month *
* Delivered straight to your door *
* Variety of sweet and savoury snacks *
* Healthy, natural and delicious *
* Perfect for on the go *

So who is the box for?

The box is suited to foodies who enjoy eating natural, healthy snacks. It's a perfect box for an on the go, active lifestyle. If you find yourself constantly rushing around throughout the week with limited time to make healthy snacks, this box is perfect for you. You can take your pick from the selection, pop a snack in your bag and off you go! And they're great for any type of day. Whether it be work, the gym, school, or even a relaxed lazy day at home. 

What do I think?

With everything I get up to during the week, it leaves very little time for making sure I'm snacking healthily. Unless I'm blogging or making a baking/cooking video, it becomes really difficult to make homemade healthy snacks for the week. I used to not snack at all, because it was difficult to find snacks that weren't just full of sugar, particularly when on the go and at work. If I hadn't gotten anything prepped I'd be in trouble! I would just end up getting home and binge eating on a load of chocolate! I find that if I snack frequently throughout the day, I don't crave other naughty things later on that I should only eat in moderation. If you're constantly on the go but want to keep up a healthy lifestyle, this box is ideal. I pop a couple of snacks in my bag every day, and when I'm hungry I just pick and choose what I'm in the mood for! Simple.

Are there any cons?!

There's one little thing that I've noticed people mentioning when it comes to the Sourced Box. And that's the price. Each subscription box is £18.95, which seems a little pricey.

But things to consider... There aren't many pre-made boxes on the market that include healthy, natural and sugar free (excluding natural sugars) snacks. And the ones that are available are a lot more expensive than Sourced Box, for example, 'Healthy Nibbles' and 'Life Box'.

 The box contains at least 10 (January contained 12) full sized snacks, that when bought separately in a health food store would cost considerably more. (I'm talking about £25-£30) and the Sourced Box does include postage fees. You can also buy a one off box (At £21.95) just to get a taste of what it's like. You may even want a one off box to find a bit of inspiration to try doing things for yourself. And if you're a crazy organised snacker, they also have an annual subscription option, giving you 12 boxes for the price of 10.

Where Can I get One?!

What's Inside?

 The Giving Tree Broccoli Crisps - So delicious and full of flavour
Ombar Mylk Chocolate Buttons - I was amazed at how smooth and creamy these were
Pulsin Maca Bliss Raw Choc Brownie - Texture of chocolate mousse
Sassy's Pecan, Cinnamon & Lucuma Flapjack - Really tasty - Cinnamon made all the difference
 Rebel Kitchen Chocolate Mylk - This is a thick and creamy as any other milkshake
'Dozy Girl' Bluebird Tea - Delicious and perfect just before bed
Rude Health Mini Rice Thins - Awesome snack.. pair with the almond butter!
Pip and Nut Coconut and Almond Butter - Perfect with the rice thins, the coconut made this butter so smooth
Science Kitchen Pizza Seed Toasts - So tasty and full of flavour, great snack in the middle of the day
Loveraw Rosehip and Lemon Bar - So light and flavoursome
Wyldsson Persian Mulberry Promix - Perfect little mix, great for post-gym
Snact Fruit Jerky - Chewy and sweet

Thanks for reading :)
Lotsa love
Franki x

Monday 18 January 2016

Healthy Recipe for Chips and Dip!

Hello lovely readers! Here's the first recipe of many more to come! I've got lots of healthy alternatives to the not so good snacks, meals and desserts to share with you. And kicking it off is a personal favourite of mine... chips and dip! I can't think of anyone who doesn't like this snack, and it's even better to know that it's guilt free! So before you reach for a bag of crisps, have a read of this instead and get your butt into the kitchen!

So here's the recipe...
For the Dip, you'll need:

300g of 0% Greek Yohgurt (I used Fage)
1 Cucumber
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon
2tsp of Dill
1 Clove of Garlic
2tbsp of Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

For the chips, you'll need:

1 pack (about 5) of Wholemeal Pitta Bread 
1/2 Cup of Coconut Oil
1tsp Garlic Powder
2tsp of Seasoning of your choice (I used the cheats Italian Seasoning)
1tsp Salt 


Starting with the dip...

Cut the ends off the cucumber, and then cut lengthways in half. You then want to de-seed the cucumber (with a teaspoon is best). You can peel the cucumber before cutting, but personally I never do, as I think it's a bit of a waste of time. It will come off on its own when you start grating.

Next, you need to grate the cucumber, and using the finer grater is best. Once grated either leave the cucumber in a sieve for at least an hour (or overnight) until it has stopped dripping. Alternatively, if you're in a hurry you can push out the water yourself, either with a sieve or a piece of muslin cloth. 

Once you've gotten the water out, it's then time to combine all the ingredients together in a bowl, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Once all the ingredients are combined, leave in the fridge for 1 hour. (Or at least until the pitta chips are ready!)

Now you can move on to the Pitta Chips.

Firstly, pre heat the oven to 200℃ (400℉). Next, cut up the pittas into triangles. You can cut the pittas in half to have really thin crisps, but personally I prefer them a little thicker as they're much more dip dunk-able! Lay the pittas out on a baking tray and set aside. 

Now you need to make the seasoning. Melt down the coconut oil (you can also use olive oil) and then add the garlic powder, seasoning, salt and pepper. This can be a time to get really creative. You can combine different herbs (fresh or dried). So just experiment and make up different flavours! I've tried just adding smoked paprika on it's own and my goodness was that amazing! If you like your crisps spicy, why not add some chilli flakes?

Once you have combined the ingredients, you now want to brush the oil mixture onto the pittas. Once the pittas are coated place into the oven for 10-12 minutes, depending on your oven and your preference to how crispy you want them to be. For your pittas to be extra crunchy and golden, leave them for 15 minutes.

And there you have it! This healthy snack is so delicious and it takes no time at all! Hope you enjoy! And if you recreate them make sure to tweet me your creations!

Lotsa love, 
Franki xxx


Thursday 7 January 2016

Aspirations for 2016

Well, 2015 came and went quick as a flash. 

But honestly I'm glad it's over. I can't stand the whole 'new year, new me' crap. But I do like the idea of starting fresh. And although it's a cliche not to keep your resolutions, I love the idea of everyone trying to get a little closer to their goals and aspirations. 2015 definitely had its rough patches, so here's to a new year!

When I look back over 2015, there's only one moment that really stands out. And that was travelling around California. It was honestly the best two weeks of my life, I wish I could have stayed longer. And it really inspired me to do so much more. Experience as much as I can, go after every available opportunity, and just enjoy living in the moment. (Forgive me for the cheesy, I'm like mature cheddar.)

But seriously, it inspired me to just seize the freakin day and go after what I have always wanted, and get lots of things crossed off my bucket list! At the end of the year I want to look back with a huge smile on my face and think about everything I did and achieved. I want to have millions of moments that stand out! So I'm writing it down, not only for you lovely readers but also for me to look back on (and to make sure I get up off my arse and get them done!)

So these are my aspirations for 2016...

  • Travel. This gets the number one spot, as this is the year I will actually take it seriously and commit to going travelling. I've been juggling the idea of South East Asia and Interrailing around Europe. And after a bit of thought, I'm following my gut and I really like the idea of travelling around Europe over Summer. Some parts alone and some with friends. South East Asia is still on the wish list though, and I will definitely tick it off eventually.

  • Keep learning Piano and Guitar. I've always loved music and I've always wanted to play at least one instrument. I've been 'dilly-dallying' around for ages, not taking it seriously enough. But this year I am determined to actually get stuck in and keep learning. For those of you who watch my YouTube channel, I love to sing more than anything and I have always dreamt of accompanying myself. So this is the year I get serious and practice both regularly. Will keep you updated!

  • Explore new ways of keeping fit. So I used to go to a regular gym quite a lot, but I found myself just feeling a little bored. And although I do miss it a lot and am considering going back, I have discovered lots of great home workouts and have gotten involved in an adult Gymnastics class at my local club. I've also pushed myself out of my comfort zone by getting a bike! This year I'd like to explore other types of fitness, such as Swimming, Climbing and maybe even a little bit of Cross Fit!

  •  Commit to blogging and YouTube. So I haven't been very good with being consistent in blog writing and making sure I upload regularly to YouTube. And I am kicking myself for it! I know a lot of my week is busy with a full time job. But it doesn't mean I don't have any spare time at all! And a lot of it is just down to laziness! (smack round wrist and sit in the naughty corner.) So I am going to try damn hard this year to keep things regular because I just love it so much! So expect weekly blog posts and videos... and if not feel free to give me a telling off!

So those are my aspirations! I do have one tiny resolution that isn't really an aspiration, but at the start of the month I started collecting all the £1 coins I get given in change, that just get thrown into my purse and spent on rubbish. Every £1 I get will go into a little money box of mine. Give it a go! It's a fab way to save a decent amount of cash, without really knowing! (Once it goes in the box it gets forgotten about!)

Hope you enjoyed reading and I will be coming back to this post regularly to make sure I'm getting them done!

Happy New Year and I wish you so much luck and happiness with your aspirations! Let me know what yours are in the comments. And I'll leave you with a couple of dreamy photos of Yosemite, The Grand Canyon and San Francisco. Shot on film by my brilliant brother :) Check out his Tumblr page here

Check my brothers Tumblr page with lots more snaps, here.

Lotsa love,
Franki xxx


Tuesday 5 January 2016

How to cut back on Junk Food!

So you eat too much junk food?!
Before you panic don't feel too guilty! 

We've all been there at some point and it's completely normal. And by 'there' I mean innocently nibbling at a few snacks and treats and before you know it, 5 hours have gone by and you've gotten through a full tub of Ben and Jerrys, a couple of family bags of crisps, a tub of Quality Street, a dozen donuts and a Chinese takeaway. And you find yourself staring into the reflection of your TV after your Netflix binge just to see your confused looking face with Wotsits stuck to your cheek.

Ok so I may be exaggerating a little, but there's no point at all in beating yourself up about it! Just two years ago I didn't care at all about my diet and what I was putting in my body. I'm talking endless Cadbury Caramel Bars (and I mean family size), Walkers crisps, Greggs pasties, Pizza, Donuts and don't even get me started on Chinese food.

Mmm, Crispy beef...

Don't get me wrong, this is all fine every now and then. I can't stress enough how important it is to treat yourself. If you try quitting cold turkey (unless you're some super marine) it's a pretty normal thing to find it incredibly difficult. It's only natural to want what we can't have.

And yes there was a time where I would indulge everyday in all of the above. The worst part was that I would fill myself up just on bad food and I had absolutely no balance. It's funny looking back and thinking about how much things have changed.

Now I know 'addicted' may be a strong word for most of you. You may just be eating too much junk food than you'd like.

So where to start?

Cut things out and make substitutions ONE STEP AT A TIME.

So the way I personally kicked it all off was with one New Years resolution. Take a couple of things you know you eat a lot of and focus on them separately and in stages.

Step 1: I decided to completely cut out fizzy drinks.

Doesn't seem too difficult right? You only have to think about giving one thing the boot. And yes, it was a little weird getting used to at first. But the first 1-2 weeks are always the most challenging. If you can break through that time, you'll be amazed at how easy it becomes and how quickly you forget about something you used to consume every day.

Now fizzy drinks wasn't a huge challenge for me, as I didn't drink a huge amount of them to begin with.

Step 2: Replace Crisps/Chips.

This was gonna be a toughy. There was nothing I loved better than coming home from work and having a quick snack. So I decided to find substitutions. I replaced my Crisps with popcorn, oatcakes, rice cakes, and most recently pitta chips. (Recipe for my homemade pitta chips will be on the blog soon). I was surprised at how simple this was because I had substituted my favourite snack with tasty, healthier alternatives.

"This is so easy!"

Wait... I said that too soon.

Step 3: Chocolate.

Excuse me for swearing but...ohhh shit.
If there's one thing I can never get enough of, it's chocolate.
And this was definitely the biggest challenge for me. And if I'm honest, the problem isn't completely solved. I still love all kinds of chocolate just as much and let's face it, I always will.

I did however, cut down on eating white/milk chocolate and tried to stick to dark chocolate. 70% cocoa or more is best, and I really like the Lindt bars. I found that eating a few squares of dark chocolate curbed my cravings just as much as a whole lot more of milk chocolate.

This doesn't mean I've cut out milk chocolate all together. I do still enjoy it on occasion and as a treat, as part of a balanced and healthy diet. I've pretty much phased out fizzy drinks and crisps and eat them rarely, maybe around Christmas time or the odd party. And I don't miss them or crave them much at all! So give it a try! You may be surprised at how quickly you adapt!

But it is perfectly perfect for you to treat yourself! With all the hard work you're doing, whether it be school, work, eating healthy, hitting the gym, and sometimes even just getting out of bed in the morning... You DESERVE it! And don't forget it!

I honestly believe that cutting things down and substituting junk food for healthier alternatives is a sure way to gradually change your lifestyle and keep you feeling healthier and happier! Work hard, play hard is a good philosophy to live by. And treating yourself is awesome if you're keeping up that balanced and nutritious diet. Just don't go too crazy!

Lotsa love,
Franki xxx

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