Monday 11 July 2016

Italy! Verona, Florence and Rome

It's quite incredible to think that I have never been to Italy before, a country I have been desperate to visit for as long as I can remember. And then suddenly, within the space of a week, I had visited no less than 3 beautiful Italian cities!

This was such a nice way to end the trip, and I know I definitely chose my route in the right order!


So my first visit was Verona. This was a last minute choice and was originally overlooked. But it has become one of my favourite parts of the trip. 

Where did I stay?

I stayed in an Airbnb, with a lovely girl called Veronica for just 2 quick nights. She was so lovely and welcoming and made me feel right at home. She had also included a gorgeous breakfast each morning, served right in my room! I say breakfast, it was more like afternoon tea! She brought 3 tiers of warmed breads, Italian cheeses, Italian pastries, yoghurts, fresh fruit, fresh juice and the most delicious coffee.

Recommendations/Tips for Verona

Walk the steps up to the castle for the most amazing views overlooking the city.

If you can, head up to Lake Garda for the day. It's just 10 minutes on the train and there are lots of different towns to see. I spent the day at Peschiera, which was beautiful. After wandering around the edge of the lake just enjoying the views, I claimed a sun lounger and did nothing for the entire day before finding somewhere to eat seafood and enjoy the view.

Spend the day wandering the centre of Verona. Do some shopping, visit Juliet's balcony, see the Arena and an absolute must is the Piazza delle Erbe (Market's Square). You're guaranteed to find some souvenirs/gifts to take home from here!

You can do all of this in a day if you are pushed for time, as the city is tiny!


I did hesitate as to whether I should even include Florence in the blog, as I didn't have the best time. "What?? You didn't have a good time in Florence?!"

I know I know. I don't know what it was really. I think towards the end of the trip I had started to feel a bit crappy and was looking forward to going home. I also felt because I was rushing around so much I was just getting a bit bored of doing the same touristy things.
I have loved travelling solo but it was starting to get a little tedious and knowing I would be seeing my sister in Rome in a few days just made me feel a bit.. blah.
I know I'm a rubbish traveller!

I also felt like it was the wrong time of year to go to Florence. Travelling from city to city, it's fair to say I'd had my fair share of being surrounded by tourists. But the tourists in Florence... Oh my. The tourists in Florence were on steroids.

I have never been pushed and shoved around so much in my life. Nobody cared if they walked into you, knocked your bag off your shoulder, stood on your foot etc etc!

I spent some time wandering the city, admiring the cathedral and walking over Butchers Bridge. I also visited the Uffizi, something I was told I had to do.

It was nice to be in a new city but I only had two days there. So after a morning of being surrounded by monumentally insane tourists, I decided to fit in all of my touristy/city walking into one day, and spend the 2nd day by the pool. Everyone needs a day to relax and I had been running around for 3 weeks!

Oh I also stayed in an Airbnb in Florence in a private room. The host was lovely and welcoming and this was my last Airbnb for the trip. I would highly recommend using it. I had such a great (and cheap) experience!


What an amazing way to finish off the trip. Not only was I in Rome, a city I have dreamed about visiting for so long, but my sister and her boyfriend were flying out to meet me!

I had the best time and I have to say most of the focus was on the food.. and boy did I eat!
When in Rome right?!

Where did I stay?

I stayed in a hotel to round off the end of my trip. It was called Eurostars Aeterna and I chose to stay here purely because I found a cheap deal on Trivago! As lovely as the hotel and staff were, if I were ever to return, I would probably stay somewhere a little more central to the city.

Recommendations/Tips for Rome

  • Colosseum - well this one's a given! (Even though we had the biggest thunderstorm!)

  • Leave a full day for the Vatican, you're going to need it! I'm not massively keen on art, but I found this really interesting. It was also amazing to wander the pretty gardens looking up at the private gardens of the pope himself (people say they sometimes see him out for a stroll!)

  • Go to the Trevi Fountain... at night! There are much less crowds, which means you actually get right to the front for a photo and to toss your coin into the water. It's also far prettier!

  • I was going to mention food here too but the food I ate in Rome was some of the best I have ever eaten and it deserves it's own blog post!

un sacco d'amore,

Franki x


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